Be a Guest Contributor
Want to be a guest contributor to AMBR? Take a look at our upcoming topics and send us your best shot.
To Submit, read over our rules and guidelines:
- Contributions must be submitted by the 15th of the month prior to publication.
- There will be no payment for using your work, only credit with a link to your social media and/or website.
- Contributors retain all rights and can republish their work elsewhere.
- Content should be PG-13 or lighter and should be free of current-day politics or religion.
- Pieces can be either fiction (including poetry)or non-fiction.
- All work should be written in English.
- Length should be between 500 and 1k words.
Send submissions to “” with the subject line: AMBR Submission – (Theme)
- Place work in the body of the email, no attachments will be opened.
- Standard fonts are preferred for legibility.
- Include a short bio, around 100 words.
2025 AMBR story prompts: