
Current issue:

July 2024

Feature: Fiction Just Five Minutes. Five Minutes. (David M. Simon) Fiction
Missed Opportunity (Renee Gendron) Fiction
An Education Begins (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Another Chance (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

July Team Showcase

June 2024

Feature:  In the Attic (David M. Simon) Fiction
Intercepted (Renee Gendron) Fiction
Overheard (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Me Savoring a Thirty-Year-Old (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

June Team Showcase

May 2024

Feature:  The Marriage Contract (Renée Gendron) Fiction

A Letter Discovered (David M. Simon)
Carved in Stone (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
The Letter (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
An Unknown Girl Sitting on My Steps (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

May Team Showcase

April 2024

Feature: Dancing About Architecture (David M. Simon) Fiction

Dance, Baby, Dance (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Excerpt from Jaded Hearts (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Paths Untrodden (Sorley’s Song for Cillian)(Marian L Thorpe) Song and Lyrics
A Wedding Dance (Joseph P. Garland) Song Lyrics

April Team Showcase

March 2024

Feature: Through Windows Left Open (Heather Wickers) Poetry
Cold (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Deadly Dance (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Paradise (David M. Simon) Fiction
A Window to the World (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Finding Love and Acceptance (Joseph P. Garland) Song Lyrics

March Team Showcase

February 2024

Feature: Ships (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Waiting on the Sunset (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Life Ain’t Easy for a Vampire (David M. Simon) Fiction
Sunrise, Sunset (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
sunrise (Heather Wickers) Poetry
A Visit to the Island (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

February Team Showcase

January 2024

Feature:The Onion Tart (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
A Sugary Kiss (Renee Gendron) Fiction
A Taste for Music (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
A Dish Most Rare (David M. Simon) Fiction
Risotto (Heather Serrano) Fiction
Another Mistake? (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

January Team Showcase

December 2023

Feature: A Gift of Stars (Renee Gendron) Fiction
Sweet Home Ornithulia (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
The Prodigal (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Home From The Stars (David M. Simon) Fiction
A Reunion Eons in the Making (J Dalton) Fiction
William Nelson’s Last Chance (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

December Team Showcase

November 2023

Feature: A Memory to Hold (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Innocence (Heather Wickers)Poetry
The Volunteer’s Suspicion (Renee Gendron) Fiction
Innocence (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Hit the Town (David M. Simon) Lyrics
Just A Little Rash (Renee Gendron) Fiction
An Interesting Development About My Mother (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

November Team Showcase

October 2023

Feature: Separation (Heather Wickers)Poetry
The Testimony of Doctor Claire Haskell (David M. Simon) Fiction
The Arrow of Exile (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Bareep (Louise Sorensen) Non-Fiction
Trial Separation (Renee Gendron) Fiction
A Forced Parting (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

October Team Showcase

September 2023

Feature: The Patch of Grass (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Decision (Renee Gendron) Fiction
Ecstasy (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
I’d Rather Go Crazy (Than Not Go Anywhere At All) (David M. Simon) Lyrics

September Team Showcase

August 2023

Feature: The 2019 New York City Marathon (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
Dreams of Only You (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Rivalry (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Nemesis and Narcissus (David M. Simon) Fiction
Blown Away (Renee Gendron) Fiction
Monologue (Heather Wickers)Poetry

August Team Showcase

July 2023

Feature: Don’t Tell Me the Moon is Shining (Louise Sorensen) Non-Fiction
Stone Outlasts All (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
How Can Characters Make History? (Renee Gendron) Non-Fiction
Making History (J Dalton) Fiction
11 Days, 25 Minutes (David M. Simon) Fiction
A Nurse (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
Keepsake (Heather Wickers)Poetry

July Team Showcase

June 2023

Feature: Farewell (Louise Sorensen) Non-fiction
Dreams (Renee Gendron) Fiction
A Change in the Stars (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Follow (David M. Simon) Song Lyrics
Dratle Danger (J Dalton) Fiction
Running Away (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
run away (Heather Wickers) Poetry

June Team Showcase

May 2023

Feature: Today/Regret (Crystal L. Kirkham) Poetry
Shards on the Tongue (Renee Gendron) Fiction
Rose Grey (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Show a Path for Me (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Bagged (David M. Simon) Fiction
Captor (Lain McIntyre) Fiction
A Repair Gone Wrong (J Dalton) Fiction
Mr. Darcy’s Regret (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

May Team Showcase

April 2023

Feature: Expectations (Marian L Thorpe)) Fiction
Extra Load (Renee Gendron) Fiction
The Moon Lies Fair (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
We Shall Be Giants (Crystal L. Kirkham) Fiction
Heaven (Better Be Something Special) (David M. Simon) Song Lyrics
Catherine and the Colonel (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
morning (Heather Wickers)) Poetry

April Team Showcase

March 2023

Feature: Anticipation (Heather Wickers)) Poetry
Home (Renee Gendron) Fiction
Ponderation (Louise Sorensen) Non-Fiction
First Light (Nicole Wells) Fiction
Delphine’s Pillow (David M. Simon) Fiction
History Lessons (Marian Thorpe) Fiction
Last Night (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

March Team Showcase

January 2023

Feature: The Ex (Renée Gendron) Fiction
I’ll be Honest with you, Sprite (Nicole Wells) Fiction
Journal Entry (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Unwanted Things (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
The Coyote and The Hitchhiker (David M. Simon) Fiction
Agamemnon’s Mask (Markus Faraday) Fiction
A Summer Afternoon in Piccadilly, 1872 (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction

January Team Showcase

2022 Issues

December 2022

Feature: Blizzard on the Palisades (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
Survival (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Ahab and Bessie (David M. Simon) Fiction
Frozen Hearts (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Wrong Turn (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Writer’s Block in the Seasons (Nicole Wells) Non-Fiction
December Team Showcase

November 2022

Feature: Guard Your Heart (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Do No Harm (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Out (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Jacob (Nicole Wells) Fiction
A Tenth Anniversary (Joseph P. Garland) A One Act Play
Lover in Disguise (David M. Simon) Song Lyrics
November Team Showcase

October 2022

Feature: Shadow and Gloom (David M. Simon) (a new contributor) Fiction
The 13th Floor (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
Play A Song for Me (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction 
Dance, Baby, Dance (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
Amanda: The Madness of Guilt (Excerpt) (Crystal L. Kirkham) Fiction
The Worse Story Ever Written (Excerpt) (Nicole Wells) Fiction
Justified (Renée Gendron) Fiction
October Team Showcase

September 2022

Feature: Overtime (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Chronology (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction
Raindrops on the Window (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Delayed Departure (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
Once Upon a Time (Louise Sorenson) Fiction 
Post-Burnout Recovery: It’s About More than Time (Crystal L. Kirkham Non-Fiction 
Writing Your Book Baby (Nicole Wells) Non-Fiction 
September Team Showcase

August 2022

Feature: Destroyer of Words (Nicole Wells) (A New Contributor) Fiction
One In A Million (SA MacDonald) (A New Contributor) Fiction
Raindrops on the Window (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Somewhere Else (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
Beyond the Wall (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction 
August Team Showcase

July 2022

Feature: Wherefore Art Thou, Juliette? (Louise Sorensen)   Fiction
One Hundred Rungs (D.W. Hitz)   Fiction 
Heated Conversation (Renée Gendron)   Fiction
Before the Rain (Marian L Thorpe)   Fiction 
It’s Always A Mistake (Joseph P. Garland)   Fiction
July Team Showcase

June 2022

Feature: King and Country (Marian L Thorpe) Fiction 
Evelyn on the Sand (Joseph P. Garland) Fiction
Grains of Salvation (D.W. Hitz) Fiction 
Whirlwind Romance (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Bibliophiles at the Beach (A.P. Miller)
BBBeaches (Louise Sorensen)
Some Drabbles (Crystal L. Kirkham)
June Team Showcase

May 2022

Feature: Zombies Local #125 (Crystal L. Kirkham) Fiction
A Gold Watch (A.P. Miller) Fiction
Saul’s Deserts (D. W. Hitz) Fiction
First Sight (Renée Gendron) Fiction
May Team Showcase

April 2022

Feature: I’m Gonna Change You Like a Remix, Then I’ll Raise You Like a Phoenix (or Burning Your Work Down to Build it Up) (A.P. Miller) Essay
No WIP Left Behind: Bringing Life into Your Old, Trunked Stories (Crystal L. Kirkham) Fiction
Finding Joy (D. W. Hitz) Fiction
Rekindled Flames (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Phoenix (Louise Sorensen) Essay
Do you want a long term career as a writer? (Melissa Yuan-Innes) Essay
March Team Showcase

February 2022

Feature: First Valentine (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Indulgence is the New Moist (A.P. MillerPoem 
To Indulge Myself (Crystal L. Kirkham) Fiction 
February Team Showcase

2021 Issues

December 2021

Feature: Homecoming (D.W. Hitz) Fiction 
A Leap in the Dark (Renée Gendron) Fiction
The Colony of the Christmas Cake (Crystal L. Kirkham) Fiction 
All I Learned About Black Sheep (Louise Sorensen) Fiction
T’Was the Night Before A Totally Uncopyrighted Holiday (A.P. MillerPoem 
December Team Showcase

November 2021

Feature: Timing is Everything (A.P. Miller)  Essay
Hot Tip for Powerful Dialogue (Aedyn Brooks)   Fiction
Witty Dialogue (Renée Gendron) Fiction
The Talking in Your Toolbox (Melissa Yuan-Innes) Fiction
November Team Showcase

October 2021

Feature: Fine Dining (D.W. Hitz)  Fiction 
The Last Sandwich (Louise Sorensen)   Fiction
Wolf Ice (Melissa Yuan-InnesFiction
Signs You Might Be Possessed (Crystal L. KirkhamFiction 
Spectre Investigations (Renée Gendron)   Writing Advice 
Binding the Spectre (Aedyn Brooks   Fiction 
October Team Showcase

August 2021

Feature: Romancing the Bread (Crystal L. Kirkham)  Essay
Miller’s Bachelor Bistro (A.P. Miller)   Review
Fairy Tales are for White People (Melissa Yuan-Innes) Essay
Tastes like Home  (Renée Gendron)   Writing Advice 
Sweet Revenge Excerpt (Aedyn Brooks   Fiction 
August Team Showcase

July 2021

Feature: Oral Traditions: The Great Equalizer (A.P. Miller)    Essay 
What Makes a Great Story? (Aedyn Brooks)   Writing advice
Immersing your reader in your story  (Renée Gendron Writing Advice 
Story Atoms (Melissa Yuan-Innes   Fiction 
Value of Stories (Louise Sorensen)    Essay 
Lost (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction
July Team Showcase

June 2021

Feature: Boom! (Melissa Yuan-Innes)    Writing Advice
Camp Coyote (A.P. Miller)    Fiction
Rescue a Runaway Plot (Crystal L. Kirkham)    Writing Advice
What you should plot before writing the first word  (Renée Gendron)    Writing Advice
Confessions of Plot Envy (A.P. Miller)    Fiction
Plots (Louise Sorensen) Writing Advice 
Silent Supper (Aedyn Brooks) Fiction 
The Long Wait (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Mrs. Marigold’s House (Melissa Yuan-Innes) Fiction 
Backstory Management (Aedyn Brooks) Writing Advice 

April 2021

Feature: Beginnings and Endings (Louise Sorensen)    Writing Advice
We End at the Beginning and Begin at the End (Crystal L. Kirkham)    Writing Advice
The End of All Things to Begin (A.P. Miller)    Writing Advice
Solid Beginnings (Renée Gendron)    Writing Advice
Author Interview: Maya Svevak     Author Interview
Withered Love (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (April 2021)

February 2021

Feature: Dressing the Stage (Guest: B.K. Bass)    Writing Advice
WRETCHED (Truncated excerpt) by Cara Crescent (Aedyn Brooks)    Fiction
Not Quite the Real World (E.G. Deaile)    Writing Advice
If You Build It, They Will ______ (Melissa Yuan-Innes)    Essay
The Big, Wide World of the North-Eastern Micro Town (A.P. Miller)    Essay
How World Building Can Deepen Point of View (Renée Gendron)    Writing Advice
Recent Videos from AMBR Contributors (February 2021)
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (February 2021)
Flash Fiction Contest from AMBR Contributors (Contest Announcement)

January 2021

Feature: Finding the Magic (Renée Gendron)    Fiction
Magic (Louise Sorensen)    Essay
Intents and Purposes (A.P. Miller)    Fiction
Delightfully Mundane Magic (Crystal L. Kirkham)    Fiction
Space and Time Books (Melissa “Yi” Yuan-Innes)    Fiction
New Year, New Vision (Aedyn Brooks)    Essay
Gil’s Miracle (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction
Recent Videos from AMBR Contributors (January 2021)
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (January 2021)
Flash Fiction Contest from AMBR Contributors (Contest Announcement)

2020 Issues

December 2020

Feature: How to Kill a Character (Guest: Sarah (Sally) Hamer)    Writing Advice
Devil’s Due (Excerpt) (Aedyn Brooks)    Fiction
How to Get Away Without Murder (Melissa “Yi” Yuan-Innes)    Essay
The Tale of Ollie Blackwood (Norm Boyington)    Fiction
A Word About Jonah (A.P. Miller)    Fiction
Slow Burn (Renée Gendron)    Fiction
Interview: K.F. Jones    Author Interview
Interview: Louise Sorensen    Author Interview
Recent Videos from AMBR Contributors (December 2020)
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (December 2020)
Flash Fiction Contest from AMBR Contributors (Contest Announcement)

November 2020

Feature: Change & Growth (A.P. Miller)    Essay
Contest Winner: Beloved (M.B. Davis)    Fiction
Growing Word by Word (Crystal L. Kirkham)    Essay
Risk is Necessary for Growth (Renée Gendron)    Essay
A Great and Sudden Change (Melissa “Yi” Yuan-Innes)    Essay
Curing Perfectionitis by Publishing (Aedyn Brooks)    Essay
Change and Growth for Writers (Louise Sorensen)    Essay
So Here I Am (Norm Boyington)    Essay
Recent Videos from AMBR Contributors (November 2020)
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (November 2020)
Flash Fiction Contest from AMBR Contributors (Contest Announcement)

October 2020

Feature: Portals (Aedyn Brooks)    Essay
Contest Winner: Live to Work, Work to Live (Chris Ritchey)    Fiction
The Meaning of Forever (Crystal L. Kirkham)    Fiction
Not Without Our Names (A.P. Miller)    Fiction
Supernatural (Louise Sorensen)    Essay
The Spirit’s Staircase (Norm Boyington)    Fiction
A Walk in the Garden (Renée Gendron)    Fiction
A Lesson (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (October 2020)
Flash Fiction Contest from AMBR Contributors (Contest Announcement)

September 2020

Feature: An Example of a Combat Scene (Norm Boyington) Writing Advice
The Trouble With Guns (Guest: Brady Longmore) Writing Advice
The Maniac (A.P. Miller) Fiction
To Fight, or not to Fight (Louise Sorensen) Writing Advice
The Villains Lair (Aedyn Brooks) Writing Advice
Pace Yourself (Crystal L. Kirkham) Writing Advice
Gory Details (E.G. Deaile) Writing Advice
Writing Action Scenes (Guest: K.M. Butler) Writing Advice
The Captain and the Traitor (Renée Gendron) Fiction
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (September 2020)
Flash Fiction Contest from AMBR Contributors (Contest Announcement)

August 2020

Feature: Technology and I (Renée Gendron)   Essay
Food (Crystal L. Kirkham)   Essay
A Room For The Night (D.W. Hitz)   Fictionalized Experience
The Finale (A.P. Miller)   Essay
What Writing Means to Me (Louise Sorensen)   Essay
Inspiration (Norm Boyington)   Essay
Haunted (Aedyn Brooks)   Essay
Team Showcase from AMBR Contributors (Augsut 2020)

July 2020

Feature:  Chasing a Dream (Alexandra Gardner) Poem
In the Night (D.W. Hitz)   Poem
Spiral (Renée Gendron)   Poem
Super(nova) (Guest: A.P. Miller)   Poem
The Renaissance of Poetry (Guests: Jasmine Arch & Koji A. Dae)   Conversation
Fun Haiku (Guest: Louise Sorenson)   Poem
The Pusher (Guest: Norman Boyington)   Poem
illgotten (E.G. Deaile)   Poem

June 2020

Feature:  Dear America (Guest Charter Member: Melanie Reeds)   Essay
An Apple (D.W. Hitz)   Flash Fiction
Date Night & Fake Out (Crystal L. Kirkham)   Flash Fiction
The Set-Up (Renée Gendron)   Flash Fiction
On Flash Fiction (Guest: KJ Cartmell)   Essay
Three Little Pinwheels & A Date with Grace (Guest: Jodi Jensen)   Flash Fiction
The Time Before (Guest: Dan Fitzgerald)   Flash Fiction
Below the Bombs (E.G. Deaile)   Flash Fiction

May 2020

Feature: One Man’s Grit is Another’s Inspiration (Guest: J.P. Walters)   Essay
Flight of Fancy (E.G. Deaile)   Fiction
Inspiration: A Musing (Guest: A.P. Miller)   Essay
Inspiration is Dedication in Disguise (Guest: Aedyn Brooks)   Writing Advice
From Idea to Inspiration to Magic (Crystal L. Kirkham)   Essay
Let It Rain (Renée Gendron)   Fiction
The Fairy Hunter (D.W. Hitz)   Fiction

April 2020

Feature: Han of the Dead    (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction
Gone Goblin    (Jessa Kaina)    Poetry
Every Tale I’m Drabbling    (Crystal Kirkham)    Drabbles
Fairytales as Writing Prompts   (Renée Gendron)  Writing Advice
Dirt Boy    (Alexandra Gardner)    Short Story

March 2020

Feature: The One True Path   (E.G. Deaile) Survey Results
My Author   (Jessa Kaina) Literary Introspection
Why You Shouldn’t Ask Me (Packy Smith) Essay
A Bit of Madness (Alexandra Gardner) Alex’s Process
What you Know (D.W. Hitz) Fiction
Finding Your Writing Process (Crystal Kirkham) Writing Advice
A Short History of the Writing Process (Paul Grealish) Satire
Taking a Longer View   (Renée Gendron)  Writing Advice

February 2020

Feature: B.A.D. Guide to Romance    (Paul Grealish)    Satire
THE BENCH Part 2    (Jess K Hardy)    Fiction
Timea and Makar Part 1   (Renée Gendron)  Fiction
Remember the Day    (Packy Smith)    Poetry
Not Your Mama’s Romance    (Crystal Kirkham)    Opinion
Dinner For Two    (Alexandra Gardner)    Novel Excerpt
COLD HUNGER    (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction

2019 Issues

A Muse Bouche Review: Holiday 2019

Resources for Horror Writers   (Kelly Kristensen)    Writing Advice
When to Keep to Rules of a Genre and When to Break Them   (Renée Gendron)  Writing Advice
THEY COME   (Guest: J. P. Walters)    Fiction
On Genre    (Paul Grealish)    Satire
THE BENCH    (Jess K Hardy)    Fiction
THE TALE OF FALCON AND SNAKE    (Alexandra Gardner)    Fiction
Writing Outside the Lines    (Crystal Kirkham)    Writing Advice
THE DREAM    (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction

December 2019 

Feature: Writing is a Contract with Your Reader   (Renée Gendron)   Writing Advice
The Critic & the Author   (Guest: Jessa Kaina)   Fiction
So It Goes   (D. W. Hitz)    Fiction
A Guide to Reading My Work   (Paul Grealish)   Satire
Can We Talk About: Romance Tropes   (Jess K Hardy)   Writing Advice
Reading With Your Ears   (Packy Smith)   Writing Advice
Libraries and Digital Materials   (Alexandra Gardner)   Public Library Guidance
The Necessary Art of Leaving Reviews   (Crystal Kirkham)   Reader Advice
A Jar of Mushrooms   (E.G. Deaile)   Fiction

November 2019 

Feature: Launching Feathers & Fae    (Crystal Kirkham)    Experience
B.A.D. Writing Correspondence    (Paul Grealish)    Satire
Can We Talk About: Success    (Jess K Hardy)    Essay
NaNoWriMo 101    (Kelly Kristensen)    Advice
One Last Break    (D.W. Hitz)    Fiction
Adding Tension    (Renée Gendron)    Writing Advice
Inside Politics: Dictators    (Melanie Reed)    Writing Advice
I Write There For I Am    (Packy Smith)    Essay
Self-Publishing & The Library    (Alexandra Gardner)    Publishing Advice
#Replicated    (E.G. Deaile)    Essay